Matching Games (INT-M1-01-EN)
Platform Administrator
- To be able to become aware how the media information can be used (abused);
- To recognize signs of information manipulation;
- To be aware of the importance of visual effects in the message;
- To be aware of how emotions colour the message or information;
- To raise the awareness about information/media construct.
Target group(s)
Students, librarians, counselors, youth workers, sport trainers.
Divide participants into small groups, depend about the size of the group.
Each group receives a set of cards, which have information on them such as sentences, questions, pictures, scenarios. Basically, almost anything that is significant for the topic. They are then asked to rank the cards in a particular order, sort them into categories or to use them as labels on a mind map, chart or picture.
Activity Instructions
Part 1
- Divide participants into small groups of 3 to 6 people each, depending on the group size.
- Give each group a set of cards, 20 for instance, with words, pictures, or statements.
- Each set of cards has its own title, on the basis of which an article or story will be created.
- Based on the information cards, each group first creates a mind map. On this basis, the group begins to design and write either an informative article, a report or a story.
- Give participants 20-30 minutes (depending on the complexity of the concepts).
- The written text of each individual group is presented to the other groups.
Part 2
- The facilitator distributes the original media text to the groups, on the basis of which the groups search and identify the differences. Give participants aprox.15 minutes for this task.
- Each of the groups presents their findings.
- Ask each group to discuss with the rest of the class how they have matched or ranked the concepts.
Through feedback, the participants, based an emphasis of insight and awareness, tell what they have learned in this practical session
- Original media text
- Set of cards;
- Paper, poster, pens.
- Experiential learning
- Discussion
- Presentation
- Group work
Advice for Facilitators
The facilitator encourages group dynamics through guided discussion and exchange of opinions. For the successful execution of the exercise, he prepares the necessary grounds and follows the steps of the execution.
Bercko, S. (2022). Activities and Exercises for Freelance Trainers. Adapted from Symonds Research, Training Course Material (September, 2023).
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