Negative Words Vocabulary (INT-M1-02-EN)

Platform Administrator


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  • Group size
  • Individual
  • More than 12
  • Duration
  • 46 - 90 min
  • Related modules
  • Module 1 - Awareness
  • Module 2 - Critical thinking
  • Module 4 - Enabling Dialogue
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike



  • To become aware of how many negative words we use in our interpersonal communication;
  • To identify a pattern of negative daily media messages and social media exchanges
  • To be able to deliberately avoid negative words and descriptively replace them with positive ones. 

Target group(s)

Teachers, librarians, counselors, youth workers, sport trainers. Students.


There are many individuals who have no insight of influence with their words’ expression (descriptors). And there are many individuals as well moder media information based on an alarming negative words created by the purpose.  This purpose is primarily to stimulate strong emotions, which are the driving force of readers' thinking and actions. This is why it is very important to recognize the central meaning of the message and our emotional response to it. It is for this reason that it is very important to recognize the central meaning of the message, on the basis of which a kind of collective vocabulary and our emotional response to it is formed. 

Activity instructions

Let participants work in pairs. Give them a text specially chosen for the purpose of the exercise - out of daily media which uses (mostly) negative way of reporting (for each pair find another suitable text). Let them go through text and:

  • First: find all negative words. Give each pair also a List of Negative Words (handouts).
  • Second: rewrite the text to use more positive words, but still keep the main message of the original text.
  • Third: share with others in the group. Each pair presents the original text and their “own” reporting.
  • Fourth: open discussion about importance of the language, usage of negative/positive way of expression, etc.  


  • Selected media text (negative words, enhancing emotional reactions)
  • Paper, pencil.


  • Experiential learning
  • Discussion
  • Recognition

Advice for Facilitators

The facilitator encourages group dynamics through guided discussion and exchange of opinions. For the successful execution of the exercise, he prepares the necessary grounds and follows the steps of the execution.


Bercko Sonja. (2011). Adapted from: Psychosocial Rehabilitation Brochure.  Integra Institute.



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