Memento (INT-M3-01-EN)
Platform Administrator
- To recognize individual emotional sensations;
- To recognize internal conflict structure provoked by emotional response;
- To be able to use the senses in the process of changing the EMO structures.
Target group(s)
Front liners, librarians, counsellors, youth workers, students
Just as applies for experience, problems, as a basis of possible internal and external conflicst, also have their own structure. (Nothing that happens is a problem on its own). Every problem as such, arises due to the interpretation of an conveyed message or event following our own model of the world, our own inner mental map.)
Through this exercise the participants will realize that every experience has its own sensory perceptions (sight, hearing, smell, touch) and that it can completely change if one of these elements changes.
In implementing the exercise the facilitator strictly follows the steps below:
Step 1: Imagine an unpleasant situation that happened to you in the past or was provoked by reading, hearing or watching it.
Now, transform the situation into a film and imagine it to the greatest detail possible.
What do you see?
What do you hear, feel?
Watch this inner film carefully and pay attention to what feelings does it arouse in you.
Step 2: On the inner visual screen, remove the color from the situation. Let the colors gradually disappear and the action becomes black and white. In this way, we move away from a strong emotional situation.
Step 3: The visible internal screen is now reduced to the lower right corner of the screen and in this way we take away the intensity of the emotional situation.
Step 4: Choose a type of music which should be the complete opposite of the negative feelings conveyed by the film, e.g.,soundtrack from a cartoon or dance music o reven circus music.
Now, replay the movie featuring a negative situation while listening to the music you have opted for. Repeat the procedure of watching the movie with “inappropriate” music in the background a few times.
Step 5: Replay the movie in your mind again, however, this time you should do it in full colors again, and without music. Pay attention to your feelings.
Step 6: The facilitator initiates and guides the discussion by asking questions such as:
- How does a change of colours influence the particular situation?
- How does a change of music influence the given situation?
- Have you ever thought about that sensory perceptions and feelings make part of our experience?
- How can you use this exercise to transform negative experience also in the future?
- How can you use the technique I have learned in enhancing positive experience?
- How do you feel in general after the exercise?
- How can you regulate my excessive emotional response in these types of future situations?
- Alternative: piece of music (circus, celebration, etc.) – positive and uplifting
- Paper, pen
- Experiential learning (process of internalization)
- Discussion
Advice for Facilitators
The facilitator should prepare thoroughly to a guided discussion (see above) including clear operational goals and take into account that working with small group demands a very high level of trust among the participants which consequently leads to more open and personal interactions.
Bandler, R. (2005). The structure of magic: A book About Communication and Change. Science and Behavior Book.
(The exercise was adapted by Sonja Bercko, NLP Practitioner)
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