Conflict Solving Rally (IMI-M3-02-EN)
Platform Administrator
- To explain individuals’ behaviour in conflicts
- To practice conflict-solving methods
- To make one understand advantages and disadvantages of the different conflict solving methods
- To motivate reflection on one’s own experience with goals and relationships in conflicts
Target group(s)
- Students
- Adolescent youth
- Educators, trainers, councillors, youth workers
- Any citizen
The activity explores the two primary motivations that define individuals’ behavior in conflicts: the desire to obtain their own goals versus the desire to retain interpersonal relationships. These motivations define 5 methods for conflict solving: competition (win-lose), collaboration (win-win), compromise, avoidance and accommodation.
Introduction (10 minutes)
The facilitator explains quickly the 5 conflict solving methods. Then s/he divides the participants into 5 teams with equal number of members. Each team is made responsible to applying one of the five conflict-solving methods.
Conflict Solving Rally (75 minutes)
In the first round, the facilitator reads aloud a conflict scenario (See Appendix 1) and asks each team to solve it following the method assigned to them. In that the participants should consider why their conflict-solving method should be chosen and what would be the consequences. Each team presents their solutions shortly before the group.
In the next round, the facilitator reads another conflict scenario and asks the teams to change the conflict-solving method they apply in a round.
The activity is performed in 5 rounds so that the teams experiment with all 5 methods. However, shorter-term activities based on only 1 scenario can be performed as well.
Debriefing (10 minutes)
The facilitator asks the participants to discuss their experience with the different conflict solving styles. They share their views on which method(s) they identify themselves with, which methods they find most difficult to apply and why.
- Flipchart or in-class screen – for sketching the rules of the activity
- Chairs – moveable so that they can be rearranged
- Model Conflict Scenarios (Appendix1)
- Note-pads and pens/pencils
- Guidance
- Role-play/simulation
- Reflection
- Discussion
Advice for Facilitators
- Start the activity with a 5-munute introduction, explaining the mode of conduct within the group – respect, tolerance, listening without interruption
- Prepare a visual presentation (image, graph, etc.) of the 5 methods for conflict solving and show it in the training room for fast reference
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