Express Your Views and Debate (INT-M4-02-EN)

Platform Administrator


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  • Group size
  • 6 - 12
  • More than 12
  • Duration
  • 46 - 90 min
  • Related modules
  • Module 3 - Conflict Solving
  • Module 4 - Enabling Dialogue
  • Module 5 - Ethics
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike


  • To learn how to be assertive;
  • To be able to distinguish between assertive and non-assertive (aggressive or submissive) messages;
  • To be able to analyse given situation and various responses.

Target group(s)

  • Teachers, librarians, youth counsellors, sport-trainers, front liners, students


Before going through this activity, you should have talked about assertiveness in more detail along with giving examples so that participants know what is expected of them here.

For example:




speaking quietly and shyly

outspoken and calm speech

speaking loudly and fast

speaking unclearly

speaking clearly


gestures are modest

gestures are relaxed

gestures are fast and irritating

nervousness and restlessness




emotional openness

rigid emotions





Analyse a situation and formulate your responses if you were to be aggressive, submissive (passive) or assertive.

Fort his purpose you need:

  • Three copies of Assertiveness Sheet provided in Handouts for each participant;
  • A copy of the Assertiveness Example Sheet provided in Handouts as well.

 Activity instructions

 Distribute the Assertiveness Sheets and Assertiveness Example Sheets to all participants..

Ask them to consider a situation and use one form to analyse it.

Given the situation, they should formulate an aggressive, submissive/passive and assertive response. They should record their analysis in their forms.

Allocate 5 minutes for this part.

Bring everyone back together and ask each person to explain what the situation was and then provide their analysis.

Ask other participants to provide feedback or correction for each type of response. The aim is to learn what each type of response looks like and the kind of negative emotion it leads to. Allocate a total of 10 minutes for this part.

Ask participants to consider a new situation and use a new form to analyse it.

As before, after 10 minutes get them to share their results and receive feedback.

Repeat one more round.


Follow with a discussion.

Has your understanding of an assertive response increased as a result of this exercise? What did you think of other people’s suggestions on your situations?

What did you think of other people’s scenarios and their analysis?

What was the most important lesson you learned in this exercise?


  • Assertiveness Sheet
  • Assertiveness Example Sheet


  • Experiential learning
  • Examination and evaluation
  • Introspection and internalization
  • Discussion  

Advice for Facilitators

The facilitator encourages group dynamics through guided discussion and exchange of opinions. Before starting, prepare a short presentation of assertiveness so that the participants know what it is all about. In addition, the facilitator prepares sheets of assertive personal insight research in advance.


Retrieved from: Skills Converged:

(September 2023)



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